Zero Survival

Read This BEFORE You Make a Ban Appeal
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Author:  Seaweed [ Mon May 19, 2014 12:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Read This BEFORE You Make a Ban Appeal

We see some common themes with ban appeals, so here's some information for you to read BEFORE you make an appeal.

1 - The server rules are listed here, if you or another member of your squad have previously been temporarily banned for a rule breach prior to your ban you can all be permabanned. There are also plenty of cases where we will issue permabans outright. Telling us you didn't know the rules after you have been banned for breaching them is not a valid excuse. We are responsible for enforcing the rules, you are responsible for being aware of them.

2 - Antihack bans (public variable #13) will never be removed. We have custom automated bans for all kinds of things. These checks are well tested and false positives are not possible on any clientside checks which I currently have automated bans enabled for. Don't waste our time by trying to make an excuse for that hacking script you had sitting in an executable directory.

3 - Modifying your pbo files to remove the grass, rocks, trees etc is cheating! We will ban for this too and these bans will not be lifted. I could remove every building on the map if I wanted and run inside them or shoot people through them. Removing the grass is no different, its still something that is not on your screen but is there for every single other player.

If your FPS is so bad (the usual excuse we hear for it) that you have to modify the game files illegally to play it, you will not want to play in this server anyway. Why? Because we don't allow you to remove those things, and if you try you will be automatically banned. Therefore your FPS in this server will not be acceptable to you since you can't mod your files. Unless of course you actually removed those things because of the huge visual advantage it gives you over anyone else playing the game....

4 - We ban for things we can prove such as script or variable scans, observation in game, clientside checks, or BE filters. We don't unban people based on their words alone. Most hackers and cheaters we ban will attempt ban appeals too. I've lost count of how many times someone told me their brother downloaded a script etc. We don't care about lies, excuses, or things that can't be proved, so please don't waste our time trying them. The best thing you can ever do for yourself in a ban appeal is to be honest.

5 - Don't get BE global banned! We ban anyone logging into the server with an associated global ban, Global bans are not given out randomly or without good reason, banning by guid alone is not secure. I've met countless people with global bans in my time running this server, yet strangely every single one of them said they didn't get the ban from hacking. The "my brother did it", "my cd key was stolen" etc etc will not suffice with our admins.

If you have multiple cd keys contact an admin regarding it BEFORE trying to use them! If you don't and one of our scripts sees you logging in from multiple GUIDs you can expect all of them to be banned.

6 - Don't try and undermine us by lying or hiding things, because if we prove you have lied to us you have no hope of being unbanned ever.

If you don't agree with an admins actions or a rule of this server then it's probably a good thing you were banned. Because if you don't like our rules or our admins, then we don't like you, and we don't want you playing in our server.

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