Zero Survival

Base breaking idea - hacking keypanels
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Author:  wojos1Artist [ Thu May 22, 2014 6:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Base breaking idea - hacking keypanels

Hey guys,

So I've been thinking about everything and nothing yesterday, also had few thoughts about all that basebuilding, its next version - making stuff somehow weaker etc.
And I just figured small idea for other type of basebreaking.
So the idea is to add option to hack keypanel - make it work for person who is not added to it. Not for free though - for example required item could be floppy wire which is quite rare thing (found maybe 1 during my 3 months experience on server). And then there's a lot of things to consider about this regarding balance - e.g. how much chance would you get to hack a panel per one floppy wire (considering the fact how rare it is), then how would it apply to gates being in range (whether it would operate all gates in case of acomplished panel-hack, or if there would be certain % of chance to operate each gate that is in range of panel) and so on.

That's just little idea for making bases more vournable without hitting its mechanism of toolbox breaking, don't want to occupy admins time if it's not worth it. I also keep in mind that it may actually encourage dupers to try duping floppy wires.

Let me know what you think about that anyway.

Author:  Eberteby [ Thu May 22, 2014 7:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Base breaking idea - hacking keypanels

Nice idea but would be overpowered in my opinion, most bases only have 1 keypanel on the inside for everyhing meaning 1 succesfull hack would destroy everything. Think we best wait till the next patch which won't take long anymore and see what is possible then.

Author:  wojos1Artist [ Thu May 22, 2014 7:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Base breaking idea - hacking keypanels

Eberteby wrote:
Nice idea but would be overpowered in my opinion, most bases only have 1 keypanel on the inside for everyhing meaning 1 succesfull hack would destroy everything. Think we best wait till the next patch which won't take long anymore and see what is possible then.

Yeah I think so, just wanted to post it anyway.
I think about being op it depends how it would be balanced. There may be still 5-10% chance of hacking, simmilar as toolboxes, but then floppy wire is far harder to find than a toolbox.
In my opinion it would make breaking to big bases less problematic. It may also work in many different ways actually - taking down only part of gates or all. Just an idea as I said :)

Author:  Benuar [ Thu May 22, 2014 9:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Base breaking idea - hacking keypanels

I think people would just not build keypanels anymore and instead save their yard with a container which they deconstruct anytime they want to get in

Author:  wojos1Artist [ Thu May 22, 2014 9:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Base breaking idea - hacking keypanels

Benuar wrote:
I think people would just not build keypanels anymore and instead save their yard with a container which they deconstruct anytime they want to get in

I think it would become extremly uneffective with 3 layers of containers - espetially on full server when basebuilding takes a lot. Would also set tents vournable for time containers are not build.
And its extremly hard to pick correct container actually. So you may accidentaly dismount incorrect container trying to open base.
Personally I would never even try resigning from gates, it would just turn extremly ridiculus to get into base, also I believe it wouldn't give additional security.

Author:  Selo [ Fri May 23, 2014 8:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Base breaking idea - hacking keypanels

First thing I was thinking about when I read this threads name :D


But to be honest:

Baseattacks will never be "better" by making more possibilities of an attack. You want to break into a big base? Find enough players to do so!
You have a small base and get f*ked up all the time by the bullies? Find more players to make a better base and defend yourself!

If you are austria, you wouldn't attack russia without knowing it can never work properly.


You have the minimal chance that it is POSSIBLE by 3%

Author:  Torkmastaflex [ Fri May 23, 2014 8:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Base breaking idea - hacking keypanels

Floppy wire + Toolbox. 3% chance. 0.56% chance to find floppy wire... seems legit.

Otherwise, Make info stands removable with floppy wire maybe at same chance?

Author:  Seaweed [ Fri May 23, 2014 9:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Base breaking idea - hacking keypanels

Everyone would just build walls they have to manually remove to get to their tents. We can't stop this with code and its too hard for us to police as admins if we added a rule for it. It's the same problem at the moment with people building multiple items inside of each other, which lots of people seem to exploit. I can't code around that problem without breaking things though. So you end up with people who think its ok to build 7 barracks inside of each other.

The main problem I see with basebuilding is this:

Large base = way way way more secure than a small base, most are next to impossible to break into already but still continue to grow larger and larger and even more secure.

Once you have a large base there is no downside whatsoever to having it. Yes it takes a very long time to build up. But you don't have to do anything more than anyone else once you have done so. Your items stay secure and your hoarded collection grows continually because the bigger it is, the more secure it is. Once you have the base built you don't need to do anything and can enjoy its benefits almost indefinitely.

I appreciate the suggestion though, basebuilding ideas are always welcome especially at the moment. Currently the focus is completely on 1.8.1. After this is released and everything is working again basebuilding will either be changed significantly or removed entirely.

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