Zero Survival

Regarding vehicles, squads, and why we play this game.
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Author:  tomisafish [ Thu Mar 20, 2014 1:00 am ]
Post subject:  Regarding vehicles, squads, and why we play this game.

This post is an elaboration on this post found here regarding the state of vehicle hoarding.

This may seem like a wall of text and you may disagree with some of my opinions but I encourage you to read through if you are an active member of the server. Feel free to dispute me where I am wrong, I may just have been in all the wrong places at all the wrong times recently.

Currently Chernarus feels stagnant to me because of the very slow vehicle circulation at the moment.

The only time I ever see a Humvee or SUV anymore is when rolling with TS because ya know, they want to have fun! Many players find their "end game" or their "favorite thing in the game" and suddenly forget it's a game. They want to keep hold of it because they don't want to lose it. But where is the joy in that? Where is the game? Where is the thrill? The risk?

Hoarding vehicles to such a degree as it is now is creating an endless cycle of greed and possession. This line from Damp sums it up completely:
Dampveivals wrote:
I know MM is also guilty of hoarding the good vehicles, but mostly because we know that once we lose the Humvee we won't be seeing it again for a looooong time (cba toolboxing 4-5 layers...).

Hopefully Eby's new vehicles spawns will to a great deal to mitigate this problem but basically players need to chill out and remember why they love this game.

More and more it seems like the current situation with basebuilding and hoarding has created more of a "who's penis is bigger" game rather than the fierce battles, rivalries and constant competition between squads in days of old.

Vehicles seem to be changing into a currency almost and people are keeping things like Gaz's and hatchbacks in their base. Why? I remember the middle of last year you could nearly always find a broken down gaz or hatchback on the road up from Polana or between Zeleno and Vybor. They just weren't worth the effort for larger groups which made it great for new players and solo players to have something to work on and then get about in.

Vehicles are GREAT for getting about. Too many vehicles SUCKS because its a mess and too easy(which is why we have quite a low limit). At the moment large bases full of vehicles are causing a problem with level of player movement across the map.

Squads and why we play the game (Also relevant to other players too though)
I am seeing a lot of new players and squads on the player list yet I'm still only fighting the same players I was before Christmas, namely MM and RD.

To everyone else, make a name for yourself(s). Keep hoarding guns, make bigger fortresses (not garages), build your empire...but play DayZ. The more people taking part in keeping the "flow" of the game going the better the atmosphere created in game.

There have been periods where the server has had half the player count and yet felt so much more alive. Currently I can prone in the middle of Stary, leave my computer, read a book, and have a cup of tea and come back knowing I will be safe and alive.

Edit: I was way to rash originally so changed so a few changes made.

Author:  RadX [ Thu Mar 20, 2014 2:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Regarding vehicles, squads, and why we play this game.

I don't see the point of dedicating another topic to this, Seaweed already presented the problem and the root cause is some bases getting too big.

People hardly ever go to Stary because they don't have to. its not like there are herds of zombies travelling the map and destroying things like in The Walking Dead ,so to the veteran player the only thing they really need to be wary of are other players that tend to flock to very specific areas.
Larger clans can scout the whole map with ease using Biplanes or Helicopters so they don't really need to travel the map, navigation is also made easy using map and shift click.

There are no big consequence for dying and there is no big reward for surviving so most players don't really care enough to survive or turn away from danger.

Author:  Benuar [ Thu Mar 20, 2014 4:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Regarding vehicles, squads, and why we play this game.

I am personaly not a big fan of shooting people that lay in stary afk XD if you want to meet people go to the airfields, cherno or elektro =)

Berenz can get realy realy crowded latly, i dare you to afk there with a nice gun in the evening hours ;-) last time i disconnected for 2 mins somebody shot my teammate and stole our ATV XD Another time i spawned in and a guy shot me in the shoulder and ran me over =)

I see your point though, many of the newer guys just try to stay allive, farm ttks and get a fortress going becouse if they didnt everything they can hord up will just get picked up by ST or RD =) We dont even have to shot at somebody with a car to steal it cause if we need one RD will not only sell but also pick you up from whereever and fly you to your new nice car in a plane =) to some this might even be a bigger adventure than stealing it =)

Looking forward to meeting you on the field though ;-)

Author:  tomisafish [ Thu Mar 20, 2014 10:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Regarding vehicles, squads, and why we play this game.

Holy crap I was tired last night. Got back from the pub and just started writing. :shock: oodear.

RadX wrote:
I don't see the point of dedicating another topic to this, Seaweed already presented the problem and the root cause is some bases getting too big.

Of course. I just feel further discussion in the changelog is messy since there are more aspects than just the root cause that could be discussed.

It seems from the points you two have brought up that a lack of incentive for survival is a large problem. Why take the risk when we can just trade?
A cause or incentive to explore further afield and survive longer could be ideal on top of a nerf to basebuilding.

Author:  RadX [ Thu Mar 20, 2014 4:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Regarding vehicles, squads, and why we play this game.

Yeah, pretty much, Im not aiming for people to get heartbroken everytime their character dies but it could be good for the game if survival was actually more than just a matter of boasting and could give some sort of small advantage(for as long as your character is still alive I mean)...

Maybe a cool camo outfit or items you can only find/build after having survived X days* (presumably surviving enough to gain the survival knowlege).

Author:  Benuar [ Thu Mar 20, 2014 6:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Regarding vehicles, squads, and why we play this game.

Maybe a cool camo outfit or items you can only find/build after having survived X days* (presumably surviving enough to gain the survival knowlege).

The problem with this would be that the days survived count goes up regardless of wheather you are playing or not. The only other alternetiv i could think of would doing it with the actual time survived which i know has been measured here before but as far as i know the statistics are broken?

This however might also lead to people beeing afk in their base for days just to be able to build something or gain the advantage.. i know a lot of ppl dont have a problem with keeping their computer running and coming back after every server restart to log in..

another way to measure might be kills/murders for bandit/hero building types or zombie kills in general...

Author:  Torkmastaflex [ Sat Mar 29, 2014 11:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Regarding vehicles, squads, and why we play this game.

Similar to logging out near a base that is not accessible by a player what if the flag was given an instance that "X amount of saved vehicles can be stored within 150m"? If this can be implemented the next course would be "How much is too much?". My reason for joining this server was indeed for the moment of "Oh shit, *insert car/plane/helicopter/everything else here*!" Now I understand the old timers on the server have manifested the idea of what they want out of this game from starting from nothing to everything. I know 2 people in-game that have completely different views on how they play this game, one being a veteran and the other his first month of play. As for vehicles, I won't tell someone to not be greedy. If let's say only 6 vehicles are allowed within the 150 meters upon restart, many will have plenty of instances to keep the Vehicles they want. But it would also encourage the veterans to target bases with secured storage especially if let's say Tom wants RD's Ural. As for basebuilding and "perks", perks or particular rewards for being Bandit or Hero should be avoided in my opinion for now. Basebuilding though, could have some sweet new features. I think cosmetic buildings should be added just because people would love to have nice things other than shipping crates :)

I'm not sure if this idea I thought of could be valid, but I will pitch it anyways. Gas tanks at bases, lamp posts, and why is there floppy wire and hoses if they don't do anything? Hoses could be used for creating a petrol pump that could be built and accessed from base, but is limited to how much the tank at base can hold. Floppy wire could be used to make a controller for all lighting within the 150m and each instance could be toggled separately.

I could bombard this thread with ideas but really my point is maybe limit vehicles via radius of base and scrap the individual prestige awards. But if anyone would like me to elaborate more on some ideas TS me ;)

Author:  Benuar [ Wed Apr 02, 2014 4:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Regarding vehicles, squads, and why we play this game.

liking the idea of a gastank at base as some sort of jerrycan less storage for fuel ^^

Author:  Seaweed [ Wed Apr 02, 2014 4:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Regarding vehicles, squads, and why we play this game.

Benuar wrote:
liking the idea of a gastank at base as some sort of jerrycan less storage for fuel ^^

This works already but I disabled them as I think its way too OP, same reason as "auto refuel" pretty much - Ambushes at refuel points are fun

Author:  Christoph [ Thu Apr 03, 2014 10:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Regarding vehicles, squads, and why we play this game.

2 Tents make 100 Jerrycans with 20 Liters makes 2000 Liters of fuel in your base. Totally sufficiant for your nonexisting chopper. ^^

Author:  reen624 [ Fri Apr 04, 2014 9:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Regarding vehicles, squads, and why we play this game.

I like the idea of having a certain amount of cars in your base. For example 6 cars sounds great. 2 for storage,2 for prestige (humvee etc) and 2 to actually drive with. Perfect! Whatelse do u need?

We once had 6 cars in our base... And then? Nothing. They got destroyed the other day. Only one has been moved before. Worthless... totally.

Furthermore i like the idea of customizing the bases. FP wants a nice base. As realistic as it can be. Of course we have to build secure, too. Otherwise we will get raped by sT every day.

We actually dont plan to build our base bigger and bigger and almost impossible to brake in. Thats worthless too. Look at sT Base i have no idea who is able to get in there ever again. Where is the thrill?

But anyway the server is great ;) My thrill is to get the greatest Hero ever seen on earth XD

Author:  tomisafish [ Sun Apr 06, 2014 11:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Regarding vehicles, squads, and why we play this game.

Looking back at my original post I feel like I must have been in some sort of drunken rage when I wrote that xD.

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